Malachi 2:1-16
Hey New Life,
As we are nearing Christmas, our Daily Bible passage comes from the book of Malachi (2:1-16), the last book of the Old Testament. After Malachi, there was silence from God for 400 years until Jesus came to fulfill all Scripture.
In our passage, we see God rebuking the priests. They were supposed to walk and minister in truth and faithfulness (vv. 5-7), but they were faithless to their calling and to the Lord (vv. 8-9). We also see Judah being called out for their spiritual adultery (vv. 11-12) against God and earthly adultery (vv. 13-16) against their spouses.
How often do we find ourselves faithless in our calling as priests of God? How often are we committing spiritual adultery against God? How are we not faithful in our covenantal relationships?
Because of Israel's faithlessness, God let them go. They were exiled and ruled by other nations. But He didn't let them go completely. He would send His Son 400 years later to fulfill all the promises given in the Old Testament and to receive the ultimate judgment and abandonment due for Israel's and our sin. He received the ultimate exile to bring us in. Although our sins go deep, God's grace goes deeper still.
During this week before Christmas, let's take a moment to enjoy and worship our Promise-Keeping and Gracious God. His Son has come to redeem, and He will come again to restore all things. Hallelujah!
In Christ,
Pastor Tim