Our desire is that the gospel is clearly preached and lived out. We don’t want to just simply know theology but to also be active participants in the calling that the Lord has given us, which is to glorify God and increase His kingdom to the ends of the earth. We also want to reach out to our community by serving and meeting the needs of those around us. We strive, in all humility, to have the gospel penetrate and transform not only our lives, but the lives of everyone we encounter.


Our Church Vision

To glorify and enjoy God forever, and to proclaim the gospel.

Our English Ministry (EM) Vision

The richness of the gospel manifested in the hearts and minds of God’s people.
— based off of Ephesians 3:14-19

The EM vision is the expression of our church vision in the context of English ministry. The EM will find its centrality and priority in the gospel. Our hope is seeing the people grow in the understanding of and the walking in the richness of the good news of Christ.


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

— Matthew 28:19-20

Our Vision is where we want to go, and our Mission is how we get there. How do we become a people who has the richness of the gospel manifested in our lives? It is through the Great Commission. There are different elements to the Great Commission that will show us how to have the gospel be manifested in our lives.

Go – Disciple – Baptize – Teach – Observe


We believe in the absolute authority of the inerrant and infallible scriptures.

We believe that the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms best summarizes our system of doctrine.