The ultimate goal of Community Groups is to have people gather to glorify God and live life together in gospel-centered community.


    That every member of our Community will grow in the knowledge of the Christian faith, become faithful, mature believers who edify one another, and develop a passion for the advancement of the gospel.

  • GOAL

    Our goal is to foster a deeper, more Christ-centered accountability among the members of the Community Group, display the gospel of grace in relationships, develop a greater love for the church, and be more passionate in sharing the gospel.

Community Groups were created to develop a deeper relationship within our own church as well as creating new opportunities to reach out to our non-believing co-workers, classmates, and friends.

Our Community Groups seek to create an environment where people can share their burdens, joys, and struggles in their own individual lives. We want to make that investment where we can truly understand each other and build the type of spiritual community that Christ calls us to build.

It has also become apparent that we needed to start a new means by which we can spread the gospel. By inviting people into a home setting, it gives a great chance for us to build bonds with those who haven’t heard the gospel or have been away from the church community.



If you are interested in joining a Community Group, please reach out to Elder Johan Lee for more information!