Hosea 7:1-16

Hey New Life,

Happy Thanksgiving! I thank the Lord for all of you! 

Our Daily Bible passage for this week comes from Hosea 7. In my opinion, the story of Hosea is one of the most romantic stories in all of Scripture. Hosea, the prophet, is called to love and marry an adulterous prostitute, named Gomer. She falls deeper into her adultery until she is used and abused as a slave. And even then, Hosea loves her and purchases her. Throughout the book, God is showing Israel and us the heinousness of sin and the greatness of His love. We have fallen away from the Lord in our sin, but God in His grace redeems us. He loves us unconditionally.

In this chapter, we see Israel be described as an oven (vv. 4-7), a half-baked cake (vv. 8-10), a silly dove (vv. 11-12), and a treacherous bow (vv. 13-16). The oven describes the violent passion of sin that devours their rulers. The half-baked cake is showing that Israel is not fit for eating, meaning that they are no longer set apart as God's people. The silly dove illustrates the fickleness and foolishness of Israel. Lastly, the treacherous bow is the weapon that will only injure the self.

This describes us in our sin. We get consumed with idolatry, and it will ruin us. We lose our humanity and identity as God's people in our sin. We act foolishly, and we only harm ourselves, both temporarily and eternally.

This book points us to the ultimate Hosea, Jesus Christ, who is our Bridegroom. He was ruined, stripped, mocked, humiliated, and crucified for our sin. He paid the greatest cost to purchase and free us. He loves us unconditionally, and His mercies are new every morning. His grace redeems and restores us as His beloved bride.

May we repent of our sin and cling to the grace and love we find in Jesus continually! May this be the foundation for our thanksgiving this week!

In Christ,
Pastor Tim


Hosea 14:1-9


2 Timothy 4:9-22