2 Timothy 4:9-22

Dear beloved New Life,

Last week, we started 2 Timothy, and this week, we are finishing it. Paul explains his situation and gives Timothy some last instructions. He brings Timothy, Mark, and Luke together. He asks Timothy to bring his cloak, books, and Scripture. We see people who have left him and left the faith. Although he was left alone, he testifies that Jesus stood by and strengthened him. We see a time of greeting at the end of the letter with a benediction.

What can we take away from this passage? First, we see Paul needs community, as he is facing his death. Relationships are the only things we can take with us to heaven. It's cool to also think that he may have helped organize the Gospel writers before his departure. Though this is his last letter, he does not think that greeting others is a waste of time. We have this element in our worship every week, because we believe it is a vital aspect of the church.

Second, we see Paul desiring to spend his last days, reading books and studying Scripture. We are never too mature to learn. We are never too holy to study Scripture. May we grow in the Word all our days!

Lastly, can we remain faithful to the end? We see Paul's friends deserting him and the faith. Demas was mentioned in his other letters as a servant of Christ, and in v. 10, we see he has fallen away. How can we remain faithful? We cling to Christ through His Word and prayer. And through this, we can know that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

This is all possible through Jesus who was completely forsaken and abandoned on the cross to never leave us nor forsake us. He persevered in faith and worship till His dying breath to preserve us till the end. He is the Word who ministers to us in all of Scripture.

Through the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, may we be able to say along with Paul: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

In Christ,
Pastor Tim


Hosea 7:1-16


2 Timothy 1:1-8